Kyle Hagen

from Burnaby BC
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Kyle Hagen

Instruments: Bass, Bass (Acoustic), backing vocals details
I am an active musician having played electric bass since 1997 and double bass since 1999. I received my musical education and training in the music department of my middle and high school, classical music at Douglas College in New Westminster, jazz at Capilano College (now a university) and roma music in Romania, having studied bass privately with various professionals. I am capable of playing all genres of music with special interests in classical, jazz, metal and world music. My musical experience has got me involved in music videos, national television performance, conventions, private functions, major festivals, casual restaurant and pub gigs, various recording sessions (e.g. solo artists, original projects, soundtracks), tours to Toronto, New York, United States and Romania. In addition to recording and performance, I also share my knowledge of bass by giving private lessons.
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Saints In Hell
2014 - present
Sister Sabbath
2013 - present
Lache Cercel Roma Swing Ensemble
2006 - present
2005 - present

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