Jesus Krysler

Rock from Vancouver BC
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Jesus Krysler

since circa 2000
Jesus Krysler is soulful rock trio from British Columbia who has been steadily climbing in to the indie music spotlight in Canada.
With no prescribed formula, the group comprises skillful guitar work with solid song structure and has put forth a strong third album with their ‘Rock 'n Roll, What's that?’ mixed by Mike Fraser and mastered by Chris Potter. New offerings from the band and Mike is out Feb 7th 2015 with "Songs in the Key of Eh" with the band performing WINTER ROCK OPUS 2015 at the Imperial in Vancouver, BC on Sat Feb 7th
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Current Lineup

Larry Dean Jordan
Vox and Guitar
2000 - present
Roy Lewis "Atomic Roy"
2009 - present
Chris Rhyder
Bass Player
2011 - present

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