Profile Image: Hip Shake Collective

Hip Shake Collective

Blues with some R&B and Rockabilly from Victoria BC
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Hip Shake Collective

since circa 2018
The band started as Dave Harris & Friends, playing Friday nights at Cup of Joe Cafe in James Bay. Originally Dave Harris as one man band (guitar/harp/footdrums/fiddle) with Sharon Wadsworth (washboard/bass/vocals), Ian Bennetts (guitar/conga/vocals) and Peter Janz (vocals/guitar/kazoo) in late 2018. Jack Lavin (founding member of the Powder Blues Band) started coming at the end of that year, playing bass and singing. Soon Dave Gray joined on drums and vocals, followed by Neil Oh Neil (Bettger) on sax, then Brad Fisher on sax. Ian had to step back and Rocket Rod Dechaine came in on conga. By June, Bob Dalziel (founder of Rukus) started coming and singing. Others came and went or were featured, including Charles Gates, Bill Johnson, Carson Mallon, Mishelle L'Amour, Paul Wainwright, Clark Brendon, Steve Ranta, Dave Rowse, Rich Hagensen, Hank Lionheart and more. Currently continuing to play at Cup of Joe Cafe every Friday from 5-7PM. A fun group with lots of singing!

Update: Cup of Joe is now defunct. Now the band is Dave Harris, Sharon Wadsworth, Peter Janz, Ian Bennetts, Bob Dalziel, Clark Brendon - bass/guitar/vocals and Charles Gates - drums and sometimes Joe Bradley on sax. Clark adds a jazzier element, material from Louis Jordan, Dixieland and pop-jazz as well as Western Swing and country. The group plays weekly on Sundays (3-4:30) at MacDonald Park in James Bay when weather permits (not in the winter). Peter and Dave also perform as Hip Shake at the Ross Bay Pub.
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Current Lineup

Dave Harris "Slim"
2018 - present
Sharon Wadsworth "SP"
2018 - present
Jack Lavin
2018 - present
Dave Gray
2018 - present
Brad Fisher
2018 - present
Ian Bennetts
2018 - present
Peter Janz
2018 - present
Rod Dechaine
2018 - present
Bob Dalziel
2018 - present

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