
dreampop from Vancouver BC
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since circa 2000
Vancouver’s Hinterland has been carving its own niche in the musical landscape since its formation in 2000. Hinterland’s atmospheric sound is based in rock ’n’ roll, but the quintet’s shimmering wall of sound is made unique by the inclusion of a few decidedly non-standard elements. Hinterland’s unique instrumentation includes the flute and the oboe, both expertly played by singer Michaela Galloway (formerly a member of Vancouver shoegazing favourites the Electrosonics), along with an array of vintage and modern synthesizers. The guitars shimmer, drone, and chime, studiously avoiding six-string clichés. The rhythms are limber and tight, providing a solid foundation for the band’s sometimes-ethereal explorations.

Hinterland is currently recording the follow-up to its acclaimed debut, Under the Waterline, with producer Caleb Stull.
Broken Up

Community Events

21:00 14:00
21:00 13:00

Last Lineup

Michaela Galloway
vocals, keys
2000 - The End
Gregg Steffensen
2000 - The End
Cameron McLellan
bass, guitar
2002 - The End
Greg Williams
guitar, keys
2005 - The End

Past Members

John Lucas
guitar, bass
2000 - 2008
Kyle Fogden
guitar, keys, bass
2000 - 2004
John Bews

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