Profile Image: Gord Light

Gord Light

Rockin' groovy poundin' proggy swingin' etc. from Victoria BC
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Gord Light

Instruments: Bass, Guitar, Vocals, Piano/Keyboards, Ukulele, mandolin details
I am a professional musician of nigh-thirty years. I graduated with honors from the Humber College music program majoring in bass and performance. I'm comfortable with rock, pop, country, jazz, soul, funk, metal, ska, reggae and I'm sure I've forgotten some genres. I learn songs fast, have a strong ear and am very comfortable with vocals, lead or harmony. I'm also a decent composer and songwriter and am comfortable collaborating.

I have been a sideman, toured Canada and Europe multiple times and/or been recorded on albums with several Toronto-based artists such as White Cowbell Oklahoma, Sean Cullen, Jimmy Bowskill, Patrick Brealey and many more. As a solo performer I fronted my own band, Gord & The Flaptones, with whom I released The Begonia EP. I also maintained a successful monthly all-request night, Monte Requesto Presents, for two years before moving out of Toronto.

Since arriving in Victoria I have started a new band, the Gord Light Brigade, with local legends Adam Cleland, Roz Jeffery and Matt Pease. As a solo performer, I have enjoyed residencies at the late, great Lacey-Lou and the Bent Mast. I was the host and game co-designer of the now-defunct Tune Tangle, a weekly live-music word game at My Bar and Grill. I’ve hosted the open mics at Gaby's Seaside Restaurant and the Northern Quarter. I play solo around Victoria on a regular basis.

I'm the bassist and co-lead vocalist for the Great Divide: A Musical Tribute to The Band, and play bass in Roy Orbsison tribute The Lonely and 80's cover project The New Waves. I’m also bassist and co-frontman for cover trio the Xanadudes. As a sideman, I've been playing bass for country songsmith Dylan Rysstad and occasionally sub in on bass for Steph Macpherson.

My goal in Victoria is to play music as much as I can with the best musicians I can. Paid gigs are awesome, and I definitely want those, but I'm also always looking for projects that challenge me and will be satisfying creatively. Maybe that's you!
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