Get The Blessing

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Get The Blessing

Every once in a while the jazz scene gets a big kick in the pants, and the latest one of note occurred courtesy of Get The Blessing, a punk-like post-rock quartet from England that won the BBC Jazz Award in 2008 for their debut CD, All Is Yes. Underpinned by a sophisticated but churningly powerful rhythm section, the dual sax and trumpet frontline blast out strong riffs filled with interesting melodic and harmonic ideas. Alongside tight compositional structures, GTB favours fiery and freewheeling improvisations that blur the line between various idiomatic forms of jazz and rock. Despite their deeply rooted improvising skills, the members of GTB have a mischievous sensibility that gives them a unique sound. Don't miss this performance! With Jake
McMurchie saxophone, Pete Judge trumpet, Daisy Palmer drums, and Jim Barr bass.

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