Get Some

Rap / Hip Hop from Salt Spring Island BC
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Get Some

Label: Independent
The experiences of growing up in an unreal place like Salt Spring, (an island 1 hr from Vancouver), all that has shaped us, and what we are about, would be impossible to convey in just a few words. As would be some of the greatest qualities of GET SOME as a group, and as individuals. With words inspired by vast life experiences, brought out in a style that comes from growing up listening to hip hop… good hip hop. The kind that combines strong delivery, flow, heart, and power, with wicked beats, and something that seems increasingly harder to find… good lyrics, the kind that can grab you right away, but still take years to notice all the double meanings and twists. Words with attitude, that come across both smart and cool. Our songs are have something to say, with very different themes that try to stay away from the bling bling cool guy repetitive crap.
This is a rock solid group of 4 characters and a DJ, who have grown up, and been through the shit in their own ways, and together. Growing up on “The Rock”, an island with a surprising amount of beautiful girls and really cool people, S.S.I. is a place with no inhibitions, what goes on behind the scenes in this oasis, most people just wouldn’t believe. We’ve experienced all the so called “perks” of being “rock stars”, before we even stepped on stage for the first time. We’re very much grounded, being raised in a place with “nothing to do” breeds creativity. We’re way too good at having a good time. When you don’t care about the mindless girls or impressing anyone, you know who your friends are, and how to have fun and be happy with nothing at all, all you really want to do is focus, and bring out your art in the best way possible. We can’t help but look at it like a battle, and we know we can give the people something worth listening too, rather than just generic dribble from so called artists who obviously knew the right person and who should never had been given a chance in the first place. Seeing and hearing so much lame shit, coupled with the constant genuine positive reaction to our various road tested material, just helps to solidify the fact that with the right moves, we can take it to a level that no one can touch.
We know what sells and will never shy away from being intelligently controversial, nor from writing radio marketable songs as long as we stay real, and keep ‘em cool. None of us were born little rich boys by any means. All of our shows have been self promoted, and in turn sell outs (over 500 at our first show ever). Our songs have been used in 2 feature films. We are in talks for a western Canada ski resort tour, to cross promote Yukon Powder Hounds 2nd Extreme DVD release, which use’s “High Times” as a main background. We’re not kiss’n any ass. Some people may let a dream fade with time, but this is our life. We will keep going no matter what. We can make it ourselves; it’s just a matter of time. We have a stockpile of songs not yet recorded, and to be re-recorded but we want to bring them out right! So we'll bring you what all the people are waiting for: deep kick ass lyrics, and wicked music, from guys who know how to rock it and have a kick ass time doing so…

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