Frank Eigler

Big Band Jazz, Classical, Experimental from Victoria BC
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Frank Eigler

Instruments: Trumpet, Conductor, Hand Percussion, Piano/Keyboards, Theory/Composition details
Frank is a graduate of the University of Victoria (1991), where he studied trumpet under Louis Ranger, composition with Rudolph Komorous and John Celona, jazz arranging with Ian McDougall, and electronic music with Andrew Schloss.

He has over 35 years performance with a wide variety of ensembles, from traditional concert and marching bands, reggae bands, and most recently with the Victoria, BC based Don Leppard Big Band where he played lead from 2004 until 2019. A great deal of his performance and conducting experience was earned during his work with various bands of the Canadian Forces, culminating as Bandmaster of the 5th (BC) Field Regiment, Royal Canadian Artillery from 2003 until he retired in 2016.

Frank has also served as a musical instructor with several cadet (youth) organizations from 1988 until 2004, and directed the musical instruction at both the Regional Army Cadet and National Navy Cadet Summer Camps, located in Vernon and Comox respectively.
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Past Projects

The Civic Orchestra of Victoria
Trumpet (on call)
2007 - 2008
Don Leppard Big Band
Lead Trumpet
2004 - 2019
5th Field Regiment Band
Principal Trumpet/Bandmaster/Conductor
2000 - 2016
The Wee Big Band
Lead Trumpet
1997 - 2010
Chief & Petty Officer's Association Band
Lead Trumpet
1995 - 2011
Various Cadet Organizations
1988 - 2004
Various Canadian Forces bands
Trumpet / Percussion / Assistant Conductor / Arranger
1981 - 2000

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