Flying Accusations

roots, altcountry, backwoods from Vancouver Island BC
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Flying Accusations

Label: Independent
since circa 2004
The Flying Accusations are one heapin' helpin' of full on acoustic music and energy. A combination of Roots, backwoods newgrass, altcountry and original tunes, these folks will appeal to even the most discriminating Hillbilly.

If you like the music of Steve Earle, Fred Eaglesmith, The Nitty Gritty Dirt Band or John Prine, you're practically a Flying Accusation already! Git ready to start yer toes atappin', knees aslappin' and hands aclappin! YeeHa! The Accusations are acomin' your way! Don't miss this band!

Community Events

12:00 14:00
10:00 16:00
10:00 13:00

Current Lineup

Robert McCourty
Guitar, Harmonica, Vocals
2004 - present
Brian Fraser
Mandolin, Guitar, Vocals
2004 - present
Philip Holmes
Banjo, 12 string, Autoharp, Vocals
2004 - present
Mike Nicols
Drums, Mandolin, Guitar, Twanger, Accordian, Vocals
2005 - present
Shelley Brown
Doghouse Bass, Vocals
2006 - present

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