Falcao and Monashee

from Vancouver BC
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Falcao and Monashee

The playful melodies and gentle harmonies of Falcao and Monashee, futuristic psych-folk duo from Vancouver and Sao Paulo, create adventurous and abstract minimalist lullabies. With hand-hewn bass loops and enthusiastic drums, their songs feature a trove of stringed, keyed, and other instruments such as harp, banjo, and a 1940's Hammond chord organ, combining to surprise with delightful layers of perspective.

Falcao grew up in Brazil with an Iron Maiden poster on his wall, establishing himself as a drummer in Sao Paulo before immigrating to Canada, where Monashee, daughter of musicians, was raised on radio, old ballads, and homespun songs in British Columbia, singing and picking up instruments from an early age. The two met in Vancouver in 2007, then began cowriting and recording in a cottage on an island in 2008.

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Monashee Sun
keyboard & toy metallophone, harp, tenor banjo, mandolin, fiddle
Rodrigo Falcao
bass, guitar, organ, drums

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