Explicit R Music

from Victoria BC
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Explicit R Music

Label: Unsigned
since circa 2006
Real Name : Ryan Knutson
Age : 18

I was born and raised in Quesnel BC I moved to Victoria B.C. in 2005. I love music, i always have loved music. Basically I am a Rapper, Producer, Graphic Designer, Web Designer, Computer Engineer, Audio Engineer, and outside of that i do alot of skateboarding. I do music alot because it helps me take control of mood's im in. I take that mood and throw it on paper basically so I dont throw it at anything else. If im really happy, you'll be able to tell on a track.

Im very relaxed in life, I dont pay much attention to the drama around me. I enjoy making people laugh. Im not a shy person when it comes to new people, although I am very selective about my friends. it's all good though, I still love my fans.. dont get it twisted.. get at me, ill gladly have a laugh with you

I never had a fairytale life, people dont effect me with words. Im not changing what I do to make other people happy. If you like what I do, turn your speakers up. if you don't, turn your speakers off. it isnt gonna effect me in anyway, my fans are appreciated.

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Ryan Knutson "Explicit R"
2006 - present

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