
Heavy Alt-Rock Awesomeness from Victoria BC
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since circa 2008
Rising from the ashes of bands that came before it, DeviceBox both is and is not many things - aggressive but not forceful, innovative without pretense, thoughtful but never timid.

Solidified in its current form in 2008, DeviceBox's three members take queues from genres such as hard rock, emo, metal, punk, and progressive, combining gritty vocal melodies with punchy drum beats, aggressive rhythms, and the over-driven growl of low-end thunder to create a sound all their own.

No strangers to change, DeviceBox is leaner and meaner than ever before, and ready to take the world by storm, one city at a time...

...starting with Victoria.

Currently DeviceBox is on hiatus while Pat goes to school in Vancouver..
Broken Up

Community Events

Last Lineup

Mike Sanderson "some kinda voodoo shaman? i guess?"
Lead Vocals, Guitar, Attitude
2005 - The End
Patrick Harwardt
Drums, Broken Sticks
2006 - The End
Ryan Stringer
Bass, Backing Vocals, Management
2008 - The End

Past Members

Dylan Jackson "DT Jackson"
Lead Guitar, Backing Vocals
2005 - 2008

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