David Michaux

Trumpet from Victoria BC
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David Michaux

Instruments: Trumpet details
David has been a member of the Victoria Symphony since 2001 and performed as Acting Principal Trumpet for over five seasons. Previously, he held the positions of Principal Trumpet with the Thunder Bay and Okanagan Symphony Orchestras. He has performed with the National Arts Centre Orchestra in Ottawa and as guest Principal Trumpet with the Vancouver Symphony Orchestra and the CBC Radio Orchestra. David has also played with Victoria Baroque and the Pacific Baroque Festival on baroque trumpet and plays regularly as lead trumpet with the Victoria Jazz Orchestra. During the 2004-05 season he was a substitute member of the trumpet section of the Vancouver Symphony Orchestra and has performed with the VSO regularly for over twenty years. He was also involved in recording music for the Opening Ceremonies of the 2010 Olympic Winter Games and 1994 Commonwealth Games. He has performed as a soloist with the Victoria, Thunder Bay, and Okanagan symphonies. David attended the University of Victoria (B.Mus), the University of British Columbia (M.Mus) and he is an alumnus of both the National Youth Orchestra of Canada and the Aspen Music Festival. His principal teachers were Vincent Cichowicz, Larry Knopp, and Louis Ranger. He has taught trumpet at the University of Victoria, Victoria Conservatory, and the Symphony Orchestra Academy of the Pacific. David is a Yamaha Performing Artist.
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The Victoria Jazz Orchestra
2015 - present

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