Profile Image: Chrissy Steele Band

Chrissy Steele Band

Pop and Rock from Victoria BC
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Chrissy Steele Band

Label: Chrysalis/EMI (ended 1993)
since circa 1987
Chrissy Steele began her musical career in Victoria, BC. After moving to Vancouver and playing clubs for several years, she eventually was signed to Chrysalis Records/EMI in USA, along with Brian MacLeod of Headpins and Chilliwack fame.
You can read more about Chrissy here:
And here:

Fast forward a few years and she is back to her roots landing again in Victoria, BC. Currently, the Chrissy Steele band is comprised of some amazing musicians. With a goal of going back to a working band, she has put together a brand new act with the intention of playing live again.
On Hiatus

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Current Lineup

Christina Southern "Chrissy Steele"
Lead Vocals
1987 - present

Past Members

Brian McConkey
1987 - 1989
Burke Ehmig
1987 - 1989
Brian MacLeod
Guitar, Drums, Keys, Vocals, Producer, Engineer
1989 - 1992
Mateo Carattozolo
Keyboards, Engineering
1989 - 1990
Bernie Aubin
Danny Latham
Bass Guitar
Matt Frenette
Joe Wowk
1991 - 1992
Anton Vogt
Bass Guitar
1991 - 1992
Rick Fedyk
1991 - 1992
Jim Webster
1991 - 1992

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