Carbon Dating Service

Pop Orchestra from Saskatoon Saskatchewan
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Carbon Dating Service

The following 10 carbon-based human units are temporarily in the employ of this Carbon Dating Service:

Brian Cochrane - Trombone, Tambourine, Melodica, Smoke Machine, Handclaps
Sarah Rutley - Absence, Russia, Korg Poly 61, Tambourine, Lady Vocals
Toby Bond - Viola, Violin, Star Trekno, Holy Grail Reverb
Tyson McShane - Glockenspiel, Acoustic Guitar, Piano, Delay Pedal, Electron Guitar, British Vocals
Zach Lowe - Dobro, Banjo, Accordion, Tambourine, Delay Pedals, Electron Guitar
Mairin Loewen - Wooden Electron Harp, Trombone, Piano, Korg MS2000, Yamaha PSR273, Handclaps, Girl Vocals
Alex Loewen - Flugelhorn, Trumpet, Tracklungs
Steve Reed - Omnichord, Korg MS2000, Steel Drum, Humpback Whale Noise, Sequencing, Wooden Flute, Electron Bass, Boy Vocals
Jim Ginther - Bass Drum, Snare drum, Floor tom, Rack Toms, Hi-hats, Ride Cymbal, Crash Cymbal, Showmanship, Amiga
Alison Whelan - keyboards, piano, tambourine, chicago, vocals

Community Events

Current Lineup

Brian Cochrane
Trombone, Tambourine, Melodica, Smoke Machine, Handclaps
Sarah Rutley
vocals, st. petersburg, keybaords
Toby Bond
viola, violin, dj starbeat academy
Tyson McShane
delay guitar, vocals, piano, city planning, glockenspiel
Zach Lowe
guitar wizardry, dobro, mandolin, banjo
Mairin Loewen
harp, trombone, piano, keyboard, vocals
Alex Loewen
Flugelhorn, Trumpet, Tracklungs
Steve Reed
computer, bass, vocals, steel drum, whale sounds, keyboard
Jim Ginther
drums, showmanship
Alison Whelan
keyboard, vocal, piano, glockenspiel

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