Manic Melodic Guitar Fuzz Fun Rock from Vancouver BC
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Label: Auto Switch Records
since circa 2006
AUTO SWITCH – Dr. Ramsey Saleem is a scientist conducting a dangerous experiment with near explosive results. He’s given up his career doing research science to pick up the guitar and create a viable rock and roll product for the masses. Nearly two years writing and recording pushed the Doctor to take the calculated risk… rock over research.

Creating a rock and roll act can be a very volatile situation when you team up with
x-Nickelback alumni front man ScottRocker. Known for his true to life insane onstage offstage antics SR can best be described as determined, daring and damn entertaining.

The Jeckyl meets Hyde duo becomes trio, when you introduce X- Bif Naked psycho-pounding drummer Scotty Sexx. Sexx is having an exciting career backing some of the coolest acts in Canada… add Auto Switch to the list.

Manic Melodic Guitar Fuzz Fun Rock.

Just hit the AUTO SWITCH
Continuing Under New Name

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Last Lineup

Scott Rocker
2006 - Name Change
Dr. Ramsey Saleem
2006 - Name Change
Scotty McCargar
2006 - Name Change

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