Profile Image: Astoria


from Vancouver BC
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since circa 2003
Emerging from the Vancouver indie music scene, Astoria quickly cemented an impressive original combination of potent vocal outpourings, slashing delayed guitar, solid drumming and emotive bass lines. Their anthemic lyrics challenge listeners to awake from the modern day slumber, and to embrace life to the fullest.

Formed in 2003, Astoria is influenced by the post-punk sounds of the 80s and the indie-rock heroes of the 90s, with a sound that is tailor-made for radio and stadiums.

Astoria has showcased in Shindig! 2005 and NewMusicWest 2006 where their live shows made a big impact. Their live debut at The Roxy in Vancouver saw them perform to an enthusiastic audience of over 200 people and their audience continues to grow as word of their talent spreads. Astoria's debut EP 'Daylight For Delay,' was released in September 2005.

After a hiatus from 2007 to 2014, Astoria are back together and will release new music soon.
Recording Only Project

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21:00 00:30
21:00 00:00
19:00 21:00

Current Lineup

Josh Gibson-Fraser
2003 - present
Matt Laforest
2003 - present
Nick Tan
2003 - present
Aaron Trory
2009 - present

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