Photo by: anonymous

Motel Ben

Art Pop from Ottawa Ontario
other sites: patreon


Motel Ben

Label: Bandcamp
since 2021
Motel Ben est un mélange éclectique et rêveur de mélodies soul et parfois mélancoliques, de blues, de poésie, de reggae, de rythmes funky et de nuances classiques. Motel Ben est un mélange d'artistes uniques et d'un art découplé des tendances musicales, qui saura assurément divertir une foule !

Motel Ben is an eclectic, dreamy mix of soulful and at times melancholic melodies, blues, spoken word, reggae, funky beats and classic undertones. Motel Ben is a blend of unique artists and artistry uncoupled from musical trends, sure to entertain a crowd!

Started in 2014, Ben's Motel joined forces with JoAnn Brooks and Jack van der Meer with Allan Kinney doubling as the third member of "The TripLettes" in playing to a full house at Castro's Lounge in Toronto's Beaches neighbourhood on Monday, May 16, 2016. Appearing more and more on stages in Ottawa since then, we've branched in two - The Everything Bagel and Motel Ben! To everything there is a season!
Available for Shows/Gigs
other sites: patreon

Community Events


( February 2023 Bandcamp )

Current Lineup

Marco Mésile
2021 - present
Rooty Naky
2021 - present
Kelly Maidment
2021 - present
Abigail Hutchinson
2021 - present
Melissa McLeod
2021 - present
Christopher LeBlanc
2021 - present
Allan Kinney
2021 - present
Komi Seshie
2021 - present

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