Profile Image: BarraCuda


from Vancouver BC



since circa 2013
Barracuda (Bio)
Celebrating the music of Heart and Led Zeppelin
Barracuda are from Vancouver BC, the city where Heart was fully formed and recorded their first two albums. Combining all of Heart’s greatest hits from rockers to ballads but also covering Led Zep material which Heart did and still does. In fact they were nicknamed Little Zep.
The Ladies of Barracuda
Led by four octave powerhouse vocalist D.L. Car; who is an Ann Wilson purist vocally and she also plays flute and acoustic guitar. Both Roger Fisher, Heart’s original lead guitarist and co-songwriter, and his brother Michael, Heart’s sound -tech, manager and Ann’s boyfriend who the song Magic Man was written about have both gone on record stating that D.L. Car is vocally the closest to Ann Wilson they have ever heard and they have seen many! Roger has made guest appearances with Barracuda many times over the past 10 years.
Barracuda searched far and wide for a perfect Nancy Wilson persona, and found the perfect candidate in Sarah Moon who resides in Portland OR, Sarah brings her musical talents along with a physical presence to the stage.
The Barracuda Boys
Ray Roper transcends into Roger Fisher with his guitar prowess and also adds vocals and keyboards.
Darryl Hebert brings a wealth of versatility playing the electric and acoustic guitars, keytar, keyboards, Banjo, mandolin and vocals.
Rick Fedyk on drums has been touring with the Paul Rodgers band for the past 10 years replacing Jason Bonham.
Todd Ronning is the bassist not only for the Paul Rodgers band but also for Bad Company with whom Todd has been touring with for the past 12 years.
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Current Lineup

Sarah Moon
Darryl Hebert
Rick Fedyk
Donna Caruk
Ann Wilson
2012 - present
Rachael Chatoor
Nancy Wilson
2012 - present
Bob McIntosh
Steve Fossen
2012 - present
Curtis Leippi "Dr C"
Michael DeRosier
2012 - present
Ray Roper
Roger Fisher
2013 - present
Geraldo Dominelli
Howard Leese
2013 - present

Past Members

Paul Seale
Roger Fisher
2012 - 2013

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