Bananafish Dance Orchestra

Latin / jazz / Funk / Reggae / Ska from Nanaimo BC
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Bananafish Dance Orchestra

since circa 2009
Bananafish Dance Orchestra is a 7-piece powerhouse groove sensation. All members of the band are enrolled or have already graduated from Nanaimo’s VIU with a Bachelor of Music in Jazz Studies. They will be playing some of their favourite material from influences such as Lettuce, The Cat Empire, Sergeant Garcia and more. Niall Harvey lead vocals/percussion, Phil Hamlin trumpet, Ron Gaucher tenor saxophone, Dave Lawson baritone saxophone, Duncan Symonds guitar/percussion/vocals, Nic Sheasgrean bass guitar, Brendan Holm drums

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Current Lineup

Niall Harvey
Ron Gaucher
tenor saxophone
Dave Lawson
baritone saxophone
Duncan Symonds
Brendan Holm
Phil Hamelin

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