Jimy Now & ReBeat Generation

Old time R&R / ,R&B & Blues from Vancouver BC
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Jimy Now & ReBeat Generation

Label: looking
circa 2012
Four great sets of 1950s and early 60s ROCKIN' RHYTHM & BLUES played live by The ReBeat Generation. The RG is Jimy Now (vocals, guitar, harmonica) Pat Darcus (stand up and electric bass, maracas), Gorehound (guitar and vocals), Steve Taylor (drums) in A Reedlemania ReView [Exposing the roots of classic rock]. CDs sound great but roots music is a live feeling experience.
The Heritage Grill is a great place w/ drink specials & Wed pasta $9.99. Come on down and Wang Dang Doodle Wednesday!!!! NO COVER CHARGE.
Continuing Under New Name

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Blair Macdonald
? - 2014

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