Homage Collage : Improv for Al Neil

from Vancouver BC
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Homage Collage : Improv for Al Neil

Two generations of Vancouver’s great improvisers collaborate in this tribute to the innovative Vancouver artist Al Neil. Neil’s career as a pianist, composer, writer, bricoleur, and performance artist has spanned 60 years, and his influence on Vancouver’s artistic communities has been both profound and enduring. Drummer Gregg Simpson (also a visual artist) was a member of the seminal Al Neil Trio and performed often with Neil at the Sound Gallery and Intermedia during the late 1960's . Pianist Paul Plimley and bassist Clyde Reed are founding members of Vancouver’s New Orchestra Workshop Society and have worked with Neil over the years. Vocalist Viviane Houle and electronics wizard Stefan Smulovitz are active artists as a duo and in various projects. Krista Lomax creates fascinating visuals with live video and image manipulation. See Cover Art by Al Neil. This concert is supported by the Canada Council for the Arts.

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Paul Plimley
Clyde Reed
Viviane Houle
Stefan Smulovitz
Krista Lomax
live video & image manipulation

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