Art Demeulles

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Art Demeulles

Born in The Pas Manitoba and living his early years in Churchill, he had a fondness for Manitoba with visits in recent years. He moved to Victoria with his family in his early twenties and was part of the local music scene. He worked in engineering and was married and had a family. He was a great Father, involved in coaching and playing hockey who enjoyed fishing. Although he struggled in his later years, he had many great times with his children and grandchildren, passing on his love for hockey, art and music as well as his famous French Canadian stubbornness.

Born Aug 6th 1944 - Died Jan 28 2013

The Exls 1966

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Past Projects

High Chapparalas
Lead Guitar/Vocals
VI Crumpets
1989 - 1990
Peppermint Cyrcle
1966 - 1970

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