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NO TANKERS BALL: Guujaaw, Gerald Amos, Shred Kelly, Shane Philip, Jackie Treehor...

Sat. September 22nd 2012 Providence Farm Duncan BC $28

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NO TANKERS BALL: Guujaaw, Gerald Amos, Shred Kelly, Shane Philip, Jackie Treehorn, TA'KAIYA BLANEY, Clover Point Drifters

The No Tankers Ball is a music festival held this year to celebrate the communit...
Event can be attended in person In-Person Event
Sat. September 22nd 2012 + Add to Calendar Providence Farm (All Ages)
12:30pm - 11:30pm  Doors at: 4:00pm $28 when purchased in advance


Gerald Amos
Shred Kelly
Alternative Folk Rock from Fernie BC
Available for Shows/Gigs
Shane Philip
Tribal, Folk, Funk, Island Soul Music from Victoria BC
Jackie Treehorn
Clover Point Drifters
Bluegrass from Victoria BC
Available for Shows/Gigs

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Hard-copy tickets

Physical tickets at: Ticketweb

Event Description

The No Tankers Ball is a music festival held this year to celebrate the community of people who have stood up for Canada's West Coast to keep it pristine, alive and tanker free. It is a not-for-profit music festival that, since its inception this May, has taken off like a storm. The festival is a celebration of the small and interconnected community that is the Northwest coast, and an applaud to our unity in refusing tanker traffic and the Northern Gateway Pipeline. So on Saturday, September 22nd please join us in welcoming speakers, artists, grassroots and community organizations, indigenous leaders, and of course some of the most incredible and inspiring musicians to ever keep Canadians dancing across the permafrost... to inspire conversation, strengthen community, share the vibe, and most importantly, to dance.


Full Vendor Market.
DELUXE kids area, (including painting, and ocean games).
Fully licensed beer and beverage garden. Free yoga classes/tea lounge.
A Campground stocked with musicians and instruments.
Art, Films and Music Videos, Community Groups and Initiatives, Organizations, Speakers, Poets and Bands who oppose the Enbridge pipeline, the Kinder Morgan Pipeline, and Tanker traffic on this pristine coast.
An opportunity to dance, learn, camp, share, paint No Tankers signs with your families, meet and be inspired by some of the most exhilarating and influential leaders, speakers and musicians of our era... all while savoring the milieu of one of the bootstomping best musical events that has ever ended summer on the coast where the sun goes down.

Funds raised at this music festival will be spread between the coalitions and community organizations who protect our coast, so let’s celebrate the spirit that has caused hundreds of grassroots organizations, community groups and initiatives to materialize over the last year alone.

This event is about more than just British Columbia, this is for Canada.
This is for more than just ourselves, this is for generations to come.
This is more than politics, this is music.

Let’s celebrate the natural wealth of British Columbia and the global treasure that is ours to protect.
Let’s celebrate the spirit of the coast, the spirit inside us.
Let’s stop the tankers.

Please Share the invite, Please spread the word.

Tickets: Available at the gate.

$28 daypass ($25 earlybird ticket if you arrive before 1pm)

Camping for only $5

Please feel free to contact Ty Cooke by email or facebook with any questions, or if you would like to volunteer or contribute artistically or otherwise:


Just added to the Event

Honorable Speakers

GUUJAAW - Perhaps one of the most concise, powerful and outright legendary voices in British Columbia today, Guujaaw, President of the Haida Nation will be joining us live on the main-stage screen via video conference from his home in Haida Gwaii. During the decades of Guujaaw's activism he has literally changed the face of Haida Gwaii, becoming a hero to many in British Columbia and around the world. This visionary artist, drummer, and orator, has always been at the forefront of the Haida's initiative to build back identity, take back the environment from corporate and government initiatives and rebirth the Haida Language, Art and Culture in the new Millennium. His tactical achievements are too numerous to mention, but include one of the most famous Blockades in Canadian history, during which he stood next to the Haida Elders, including Artist Bill Reid, to halt Old Growth logging of Haida Gwaii. The blockade resulted in the formation of the 1,495-square-kilometre Gwaii Haanas National Park Reserve and UNESCO world heritage site.
From their remote location in the waters of Northern British Columbia, Guujaaw and the Haida Nation have not only presented one of the biggest obstacles to the Enbridge Pipeline, but have inspired indigenous leadership worldwide.

GERALD AMOS - Gerald was Chief Councilor of Kitamaat Village Council for twelve years and is currently the Chief Negotiator for the Haisla Treaty Negotiating Team. He has been a legendary leader and relied upon voice of compassion, conservation and reason in Canada for the past 30 years. Recently, Gerald is author of the renowned public letter to the Prime Minister 'No Apology Forthcoming,' and has had the pleasure of speaking alongside figures such as Wade Davis and contributing as a member of the BC Human Rights Advisory Commission and the Provincial Parks Legacy Panel. We are greatly honored to have Gerald Amos join us live on the main-stage screen by video conference from his home in Kitamaat, to inform, share and unify the sentiment of Kitamaat and Haisla with the people of Vancouver Island and Lower BC.

Musical Roster:

SHRED KELLY - a foot stomping collision of banjo, keys, guitar, drums and haunting vocal harmonies, coming all the way out from the East Kootenay town of Fernie BC. to whip the No Tankers Ball into a banjo-induced frenzy. Leave your sandals at home, bring yer stompin' shoes.

SHANE PHILIP - Shane is one of Canada's best kept... well he's not a secret at all actually. In fact Shane Philip is perhaps BC's busiest touring musician, and one of the most unstoppable forces to ever rock a didgeridoo, djembe, slide guitar, aslatua, microphone, and drum kit... all at the same time!
Shane contacted us last week from Ecuador during his South America tour to let BC know that he wouldn't miss the opportunity to perform at The No Tankers Ball, and add his multi-instrumental, genreless, ten-peice, one man band of a voice to the chorus of musicians standing up for the BC coast.
So come early to catch Shane's set (starts at 2pm), and be ready for a musician who has been described as a blend between Xavier Rudd, Paul Simon, Ben Harper, and the world that Shane knows, to drive the dance floor with the 'tribal swell of intoxicating spirit' and 'earthshaking electronic kicks' that could send out a wave big enough to stop a tanker.

JACKIE TREEHORN - a self described "funkadelic/soultastic/rockaphonic" six piece soundstorm who just so happen to actually be about as funkadelic, soulastic and rockaphonic as it gets. The first group we've ever met who are actually capable of making 'rockaphonic' an understatement, (try it out yourself, its a hard thing to do).The Treehorn have just finished a summer on the Canadian Folk Festival circuit, tearing hearts out as far north as Hazelton BC and as close to home as the Vancouver International Jazz Festival. Music connoisseurs, you especially are in for a treat. The rest of us, just be ready for fireworks. This is the one band that's actually been documented to crack open the night sky.

TA'KAIYA BLANEY - Ta'Kaiya is one of the most remarkable souls to ever grace the west coast, and perhaps one of the wisest souls to ever touch the larger world so deeply while still carrying the smile of such a young lady. The awards and accolades Ta'Kaiya has accumulated are beyond what the majority of us could hope to achieve in a very well lived lifetime, including two Leo award nominations, a sponsorship from the United Nations Environmental Program,the Christopher Benchly Youth Award, and the Youth Ambassador For The Planet Award... to name just a few... oh, and did we mention that she's only just turned eleven? Ta'Kaiya, who you may recognize from the front cover of last month's Common Ground magazine, just returned from the Rio Earth Summit in Brazil, where she attended a peoples march 15,000 strong, spoke at a women's panel and met with indiginous leaders from the Amazon.
What can you say to a singer, songwriter, actor and leader like this young lady, except for 'right on'... and maybe, 'wow... perhaps the youth Should lead us...' ...and also, perhaps, thank you Ta'Kaiya, for reminding us of our power to make change and our enormous potential to do what is right.

CLOVER POINT DRIFTERS - a bluegrass group from Victoria BC, who bring the banjo, dobro and mandolin together with two and three part vocal harmonies. The best twang you ever heard.




Providence Farm
1843 Tzouhalem Road
Outdoor Venue
Open / Operational

Event Poster

NO TANKERS BALL: Guujaaw, Gerald Amos, Shred Kelly, Shane Philip, Jackie Treehorn, TA'KAIYA BLANEY, Clover Point Drifters @ Providence Farm Sep 22 2012 - Mar 3rd @ Providence Farm

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