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Photo by Darren Ho
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Oliver Mitchell

Jazz / World / Rock / Folk from Victoria BC
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Oliver Mitchell

Instruments: Guitar, Composition/Songwriting, Bass details
Oliver was at school in England from 1965 to '71, and loved the music more than anything else.
Inspired by the changing values of the psychedelic " Peace and Love" aura of the times,
he bought his first electric in 1967, a used Vox Phantom and played it through a friend's AC 30 sometimes.
After quitting University, he travelled around Europe and lived in Istanbul, enjoying the music there, and playing "Saz".

Oliver emigrated to Vancouver with his wife in 1986 and began to actively pursue a career in performance,
forming the band " Zinc Gizmo " in 1997, hosting weekly jams and gigging around the Island.

In 2004 the band's name changed to "The Gruntles " when Arif Mitchell, (his son) joined as guitarist.
Oliver also played with other bands, with " Dakini ", & " Elveda" (Belly Dancers at Festivals and restaurants),
" OYA " an original Folk Duo with Yvonne Owens from 2015-17 and with the " Olly Hub Trio."

Several recordings were released both live and studio, the latest being " EAR GILLS " (listen on Spotify.) ... show more
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Current Projects

2011 - present
Zinc Gizmo
Guitar, Saz, singer/songwriter. r

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