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Monik Nordine

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Monik Nordine

Instruments: Saxophone, Flute, Accordion details
“… solid performance and writing chops.” – Downbeat Magazine

Saxophonist Monik Nordine has received several prestigious arts awards including a Juno Award nomination for her work on the album Cruel Yet Fair (1997) with John Korsrud’s Hard Rubber Orchestra and has toured with Hugh Fraser’s band VEJI.

Having shared the stage with many award-winning musicians such as Ian McDougall, Guido Basso, Matt Catingub, David Foster, Campbell Ryga, PJ Perry, Michael Buble, Rob McConnell, Tommy Banks, and Brad Turner, Monik also directs The Victoria Jazz Orchestra and has toured Canada widely performing in the Montreal, Regina, Calgary, Vancouver, Victoria, and Medicine Hat jazz festivals with The Monik Nordine Trio and with Canadian greats Pat Coleman and Mike Allen. Monik holds a Master’s Degree in Jazz Performance and Composition from McGill University and teaches at the Victoria Conservatory of Music, St. Margaret’s School in Victoria and at her home studio.

Along with Victoria musician Jon Miller, Monik is facilitating the newly formed Left Coast Jazz Festival. In past years she directed the Saltspring Jazz Fest as well as the concert series “Jazz at the Acme” in Nanaimo. She is now busy with The Monik Nordine Trio and The John Miller Quartet and has recorded three albums as a leader: Not Just To But Over the Moon (1998), Departure (2010) and The Old-New Town (2017).

Monik has also given clinics at numerous public and private schools including the University of Victoria, the University of British Columbia and Vancouver Island University. She has studied privately in London, England and New York City and taught for 6 years at Vancouver Island University and now teaches at the Victoria Conservatory through Camosun Colloege in the Post-Secondary Music Program in Victoria, BC, Canada.

In 2016 she was commissioned by Vancouver Island University to write for the VIU Jazz Ensemble.
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The Monik Nordine Quartet
2018 - present
Monik Nordine Trio

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