Emma Peel & The Avengers

50's 60's style... from Victoria BC
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Emma Peel & The Avengers

circa 1994 - circa 2007
Introducing The Hottest Musical Act To Hit The West Coast
Emma Peel And The Avengers
A High Energy, 6 Piece, Soulful, Funky, 
Rockin’ Rhythm & Blues Band.
Featuring The PowerHouse Vocals Of Mishelle L’Amour!

This Band Is On The Cutting Edge Of Music 
That Makes You Wanna…
“Get up & Shake Yer’ Thang!”
With a Hip New Look & An Original Style, 
Emma Peel And The Avengers 
Appeals To The Senses Of A Wide Variety Of Audiences!

SEE Mishelle L’Amour As The Legendary & Sexy Emma Peel, as She Brings Down The House With Her Unique Vocal Stylings & Playful Costumes. Check it out!

HEAR The Sultry Sounds Of The Horney Guy, Dr. Neil O Neil, Master Of The Tenor Saxophone, Simmering In Soul, & Rock N’ Roll!

TASTE The Sweet, Smooth, Electric Sounds Of Our Vivacious Keyboard Player; Mr. Chris Van de Water. What Pop Rocks Are To Candy, Mr. Van de Water is to the Key Boards. Guru Of The Roland! Head Honcho Of The Hammond, He Can Tickle The Ivories ‘Til The Lights Go Down & The Cows Go Home!

FEEL The sepulchral tones Of The Earth-Shattering, Apocalyptic Blasts Of Mr. Dave Bishop’s Pulsating Rhythms On Drums & Percussion, Joined By The One & Only Meisterstück, Rocksteady Bass Player In The Band…Mr. Rufus Lynx…Aka…Mr. Bob Miron… Aka BeelzeBoB… The Meter Meister.

DO The Resurection Shuffle as Mr. Newman Corey takes you on a journey thru the best musical times of our history, seducing you with his fingers as he brings the house down with his gotta hear it to believe it seduction of the guitar.

Hey ALL you Chick A Dees and Daddy 'Os

On Hiatus

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Past Members

Neil Bettger
Tenor Sax/Vocals
1994 - 2007
Bob Miron "Boots"
1994 - 2007
Newman Corey
1994 - 2007
Dave Bishop
1994 - 2007
Chris Van De Water
Hammond B3/ Keys
1994 - 2007
Mishelle L'Amour
Vocals/ Eye Candy
1994 - 2007

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