Profile Image: Ted Evans
 "Shook Planet"


Ted Evans
"Shook Planet"

SHOOK PLANET is a punk/post-punk band formed at the end of the pandemic by Ted Evans.

It started off in 2020 as a solo project for Ted, but when the world opened back up in 2022, he formed a band, wrote all new songs, and hit the road.

Ted's written, recorded, and performed with a number of different bands and artists since he first established himself in 2009 as a part of the vibrant music scene in Kingston, ON.

Over that time, he's maintained a steady level of hard-work on his music career, and has grown into a fierce and captivating front-man with a unique sense of style.

The band's debut single, "Let it Go," marked the beginning of their new sonic direction. Touching on psychedelic rock, classic punk, and modern post-punk, it's a large departure from the music Ted was releasing on his own.

Now they're working together on brand new music to bring on the road and release into the world in 2023.
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Shook Planet
2020 - present
The Meringues
Guitar, vocals
2016 - present
2009 - present

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