
Organic Jazz Groove from Vancouver BC
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“Mary! Mother of God! Is that for real?” This might be your standard reaction upon seeing a group of nuns playing skeeball with grapes and hockey pucks. But, after hearing the wizardry of Jackfruit with it’s perfect solution of monster bass lines, supple drumbeats and molten piano rolls, it’s definitely the only response.

From forced screams to falsetto, Chris Berry offers eccentric, yet candid, commentary on current conundrums and daily routine. Ian Lamont speaks fluent keyboard, alternating between vivacious melodies and blasts of screeching organ with inconceivable ease.
Stéphane Fortin delivers unassailable baselines with slaphappy funkiness while master of the skins Joe Lussier sets the tempo with limber chops and mutton rolls.

Though there were changes along the way, the Vancouver based foursome originally formed in 2005 and went on to produce their eclectic musical style with a peculiar blend of off-the-wall lyrics. Jackfruit’s debut album Check Ça has crossed many genres and classifications creating it’s own unique bricolage too mind-blowing to pigeonhole.
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Ian Lamont
Joe Lussier

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