Death Metal from Sooke BC
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since circa 2002
The Sooke Skidz consists of 5 badass Sooke residents that create a sound that makes you want to party so hard your hangover lasts for a year. This home grown music is very heavy with catchy riffs and killer beats. It also has an intense stage show to go with it. If you decide to go see these insane Sooke boys you had better booked a few days off work because you'll be worked over. Symtoms include: sore muscles, whiplash, loss of voice and time to recover of whatever chemicals you went off on that night and the next day and so on. At every show there is a contest for all the girls, the best looking 5 to however many we want win a trip back to Sooke with the band. As far as getting home the next day, well if you were good that night we might give you bus fare.

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Current Lineup

Chuck Howes
2002 - present
Rob Hayes
Guitars / Vocals
2002 - present
Steve B. Thomas
2002 - present
Nick Thomas
2002 - present
2002 - present

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