Exit 104

from New Westminster BC
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Exit 104

Label: OnRamp Records
since circa 1999
Exit 104 began in 1999, and has continued to forge forward like an open stretch of highway. Of course there has been an occasional U turn or bump in the road, but the group has managed to maintain its course and continue to have fun. We come across as an interesting group, a healthy mix of talent and creativity (not to mention tom foolery, hyperactivity, and friendship). The members of Exit 104 have met by chance in a bar, through work and high school. Regardless of the circumstances or the formation of the group, we have grown into a symbiotic clump of people who feed of each other’s moods. Light-heartedness and understanding have always been the glue that holds us together. Bandmates we are, but friends with musical goals would be a more accurate description
Broken Up

Community Events

Past Members

Alison Spence
2000 - 2005
August Ustare
2000 - 2005
Kevin Jones
2000 - 2005
Nigel Silbernagel
2000 - 2005

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