Funk, Metal, Punk, Alternative from Victoria BC
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Label: None yet.
since circa 2008
Funk Vigilante have created a unique and energetic funk based form of rock n' roll. With their outrageous live shows charismatic charm and a punk rock D.Y.I. work ethic Funk-V never fails to satisfy. The Band has independently released a 7 song record titled
"Civil Disobedience" that is available on itunes, through mail from their website, and at all performances. The Funky Freaks also have a video titled "Worst president ever" which can be found on Youtube as well as on the web sites.

Samples of our music can be found at and

we play FUNK METAL! Infl: Rage, Primus, Chili Peppers, Old Incubus, Snot, Hed PE, ..ect..
On Hiatus

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Current Lineup

Matt Williams "Matt Bass"
2008 - present
Ghosty Boy
2008 - present
Jud Mackay
2008 - present
Josh Boudreau
2011 - present

Past Members

Dante Leake
Keys, samples, vox
2008 - 2009

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