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Articles - Podcasts

Bison BC- Quiet Earth
Metal Blade Records Bison is the most hyped band in Vancouver right now. Sometimes hype can be a tough thing to deal with, but these fuckers keep coming through every time. Every show is better than the next, so every album is obviously ...
The Clips - Matterhorn
Unfamiliar Records. The scene has been hit by the sharp sounds of a new five piece: The Clips. The debut album Matterhorn is made of raw, electric energy mingling among melodies. Lyrically, the album is freeform, created strictly from wh...
Red Hot Lovers – s/t
The Red Hot Lovers had their cd release party and last show ever on the same night. Talk about rock stars. I would be worried about doing that based on the fact that you might end up with a box of cds in your closet. Hopefully this doesn’...
THE BLACK HALOS We Are Not Alone Acetate God bless Billy Hopeless & the Halos. They’ve earned their entry into that category that bands like Motörhead, AC/DC, & The Ramones (the Holy Trinity of Rock) fit into – you always know wh...
LAND- Self Titled
It's a rare occasion when an album captures me with such force on the first listen and keeps me rapt until the closing note, but this one takes the prize. In fact this is one of the best albums i have ever heard. Rob Nicholls and Galen Rigt...
Japandroids – Lullaby Death Jams – Independent
The Japandroids are a two piece guitar wailing, drum pounding, singing machine, (do droids get angry when you call them machines?) and ‘Lullaby Death Jams’ is their recipe for a good time. It’s made up of five interestingly good track...
Derek Miller CD Review
Derek Miller The Dirty Looks Arbor I try to balance the good and bad in my reviews, even if I'm not into the style. I don't like saying it, but the sophomore album from Ontario's Derek Miller thoroughly sucks. It sounds like a bar band...
BLACK MOUNTAIN In The Future Jagjaguwar When I hear Stephen McBean’s slowly-picked A-minor guitar intro for “Stormy High,” I’m almost tricked into thinking it’s a cover of “Hell’s Bells,” but then the swing-time Black...
CROP CIRCLE: Maintaining the Mystery
Crop Circle may have taken their name from the controversial 70’s phenomenon, but they have also managed to contribute to a more recent enigma: the earworm. Traditionally, this little beastie takes the form of a trite pop song (think Ms. ...
Camille Miller CD Review
Camille Miller Somewhere Near the Truth Independent Camille Miller’s voice is the centerpiece of this recording. A finely honed instrument that's passionate, soulful, and downright riveting, without being overbearing. Camille's song...
Cadence Weapon: Afterparty Babies CD Review
Cadence Weapon Afterparty Babies Big Dada 4/5 Canada doesn't produce a whole lot of hip-hop in general, let alone the sterile mall haven of Edmonton. As such, the sophomore album from Rollie Pemberton (aka Cadence Weapon) is going to ...

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Space race: Performing arts groups face dwindling venue options amid rising costs
It may have weathered the pandemic, but Victoria’s performing arts community is increasingly homeless in a city where property values continue to rise
Author: Mike Devlin
Published by: Times Colonist
Spiritual Warriors
Reggae from Lil’wat Nation BC
Sonic Alley
Reggae from Victoria BC
Punk from Victoria BC
Gun Street Ghouls
Rock/Alternative/Punk from Victoria BC
The Coda Club
Live music venue
Open / Operational
IMAX® Victoria
Experience BC’s largest IMAX screen with 4K laser projecti...
Open / Operational
Nova Arts Hub
Nova Arts Hub is a creative space where you can dream, heal,...
4489 Viewmont Avenue Victoria BC
Open / Operational
Glentana Village Recreation Centre
The Glentana Village Recreation Centre (GVRC) is a small com...
Open / Operational

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