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Articles - Podcasts

GWAR – Oderus Urungus Does Not Smoke Crack Well With Others
GWAR – Oderus Urungus Does Not Smoke Crack Well With Others Oderus Urungus is not the sort of intergalactic barbarian warlord who minces his words. I spoke with the leader of GWAR recently, and between copious puffs on his crack pipe,...
Dr Joey Only is in the house
Dr Joey Only is in the house Vancouver’s genuine adventurous punk rock country boy and underdog, our Stompin’ Tom and Hank Williams rolled into one, had to be interviewed. It wasn’t death threats to us really but a message he left on...
It Ain’t Easy Being Subhuman
The venue shift for the Subhumans May 15th gig - from the Anza to the Ukrainian Hall (805 E. Pender) - returns the band to the scene of the famed 1979 Rock Against Prisons benefit, which also included Tunnel Canary, AKA, the female-fronted ...
Paul McKenzie Interview Part 2
Paul McKenzie Interview Part 2 CJ: The band formed in 1992. How was starting a punk project in the high-age of grunge music? Paul: I could bend your ear for an hour with a question like that. We knew some bands in Seattle that would set...
Minto Climbs Olympus
Minto Climbs Olympus by Matt Hagarty It's any young band's dream to record an album with such a marquee name as Steve Albini's. Recording with the famed sound engineer/pundit responsible for output from Nirvana, Superchunk, The Stooges,...
Bison BC Tour into Europe
From Feb 26th to Mar 21st Bison BC toured Europe. They hit eleven different countries in twenty-four days and played a show every night. I’ve heard somewhere that Europeans love metal so I’m sure it was a crazy good time, and did great ...
Cthulhupalooza Promo
Wreaking havoc on the Vancouver scene for more than a decade, The Darkest of the Hillside Thickets never fail to come up with strange and exhilarating new ways to reach out and clutch their victims. Staying true to their uniquely horrid app...
Wantmonster – Bruised and boozed.
INTERVIEW Wantmonster are straight off the hard streets of Nelson B.C. Ok, the streets there aren’t very hard, unless you’re afraid of hippies with giant dreads that look like matted down stinky beaver tails, and who isn’t? Wantmon...
On the road with Cambridge
Cambridge has been prominent in the Vancouver punk scene since late 2005. Tour is nothing new to them; this is their second cross-Canada run. The first one went quite well up until a breakdown in Brandon, Manitoba caused them to miss some s...
BISON: Locking Horns with Blades of Metal
Over a pitcher of Molson Canadian at the Princeton Pub, while a startlingly able roots-rock ensemble hosts the open stage night behind our table, we ask Bison’s vocalist-guitarist James Farwell how he feels about his band’s recent signi...
Get Lucky with Tom Holliston!
I’ve always thought that someone should rhyme “Erik Estrada” with “vagina dentata” in a song, and it occurred to me, when I came late and awestruck to the solo output of songwriter and Nomeansno/Hanson Brothers guitarist Tom Holli...
What Swank Did on Their Summer Vacation.
Swank sashayed out of Van this summer. How many gigs in how many nights? 6 gigs in 6 sweaty nights! It was like a military operation, but with booze. Name clubs and the bands that you played with. The Grateful Fed, Kelowna, The S...
Interview with Big John Bates.
1. Hi John. First off, can you introduce yourself, your band and dancers? You can call me John - I play a big Gretsch guitar and do the main vocals - I also do most of the songwriting. The band really began when sCare-oline (upright...
Interview with Dusty from the Hits
We have lots to talk about because The Hits have been one busy band. First off, can you introduce yourself and the band and their instruments. Why no bass? Alright, well, I am Dusty and I hit stuff really hard and sing a bit, Lou Slips...

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Space race: Performing arts groups face dwindling venue options amid rising costs
It may have weathered the pandemic, but Victoria’s performing arts community is increasingly homeless in a city where property values continue to rise
Author: Mike Devlin
Published by: Times Colonist
Spiritual Warriors
Reggae from Lil’wat Nation BC
Sonic Alley
Reggae from Victoria BC
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Gun Street Ghouls
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The Coda Club
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IMAX® Victoria
Experience BC’s largest IMAX screen with 4K laser projecti...
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Nova Arts Hub
Nova Arts Hub is a creative space where you can dream, heal,...
4489 Viewmont Avenue Victoria BC
Open / Operational
Glentana Village Recreation Centre
The Glentana Village Recreation Centre (GVRC) is a small com...
Open / Operational

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